Adam & Eve · Honor · Husband · Lead · Love · Marriage · Protect · Sacrifice · Sex

8 Ways Husbands Can Love Their Wives

Marriage is one of the bedrocks of society. Because of this, it is often under attack. A key to a healthy marriage is a husband who loves his wife. Here are 8 ways God calls husbands to love their wives. #1 Love her by leading her. The first way you can love your wife is… Continue reading 8 Ways Husbands Can Love Their Wives

Emotion · Finances · Kingdom of God · Sex

God-Given Kingdom Domains for Men

I have written quite a bit about “the Kingdom of God.” First, I wrote about “Basics of the Kingdom of God.” Then “How to Live in the Kingdom of God.” Also “Adam’s Kingdom Success, Failure, and Hope.” I have also provided resources for studying the kingdom of God. In this article I would like to… Continue reading God-Given Kingdom Domains for Men

Marriage · Money · Sacrifice · Sex · Time

In Defense of the Christian Husband

I know that this article is going to sound like a defense of myself as a husband, but this is a defense of all Christian husbands. I write in defense of them, because  Christian husbands have been beaten up over the last decade or two by secularists. They believe that Christianity is ruining all spheres… Continue reading In Defense of the Christian Husband

Daughters · Fathers · Purity · Sex · Sexuality · Song of Solomon

Protecting Our Daughters Sexually

At the point of writing this, my girls are not even 10 yet. Some would say if I was thinking about how to protect them sexually at this age, I’m thinking way too far in advance. I would say others don’t think about it early enough. Before we get into that though, let me say… Continue reading Protecting Our Daughters Sexually

Gospel · Jesus · Marriage · Premarital Sex · Sex

Why Christians Believe in Marriage Before Sex

Throughout the latter part of last century there was a lot of  “legalism” in the church. There are many different kinds of legalism,  but I am referring to the kind which adds laws to God‘s laws. Many churches, pastors, and Christians started to move away from this in the new millennia. Again I’m not specifically… Continue reading Why Christians Believe in Marriage Before Sex

Money · Poor · Sex · Study · Teenagers · Work

Highschoolers: Three Tips for Not Being an Adult in Poverty

If you are in high school you probably have some plans for  your life. This can mean a lot of things. No one in high school thinks, “Boy, I would love to be a poor adult.” But while no one strives for poverty, many people struggle financially  as they grow older. First thing we need… Continue reading Highschoolers: Three Tips for Not Being an Adult in Poverty

Books · Dating · Engagement · Family · Husband · Marriage · Sex · Wife

Books on Marriage

Every so often I’m going to take a break from talking and point you to others you should listen to. This week I want to give a couple recommendations for books on enhancing your marriage. Marriage is a funny thing in our country. The average cost of an American wedding is around $26,000. Think of… Continue reading Books on Marriage

C.S. Lewis · Friendship · Love · Sex

What is Love?

Many times in life I go through the day thinking I was born in the wrong era. Do you ever feel that way? Technology has afforded us many things that are amazing, but one of the places I keep seeing myself is on the streets of England during various points of history. There are several reasons for… Continue reading What is Love?