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Books on Marriage

Every so often I’m going to take a break from talking and point you to others you should listen to. This week I want to give a couple recommendations for books on enhancing your marriage. Marriage is a funny thing in our country. The average cost of an American wedding is around $26,000. Think of the amount of hours worked in order to pay for such a wedding. At the same time, we won’t spend a week or two reading a book on how to be married. We worry more about “the big day” which is one day of our lives, than we do the rest of our lives together. I challenge you to read one book this year on marriage. Some of these books I have read, others I have scanned, and the others are on my “to read” list. This is not an exhaustive list.. I don’t agree with everything written in any of these books, but a majority of what is taught is excellent.

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  1. Real Marriage: The Truth about Sex, Friendship, and Life Together by Mark and Grace Driscoll. This is probably one of the most practical and modern books on marriage. Mark has several sermon series online about marriage, and he and Grace did a great job writing this together. Whether you are new to Christianity,or not even a Christian, this is the one book I would recommend.
  2. Date Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide by Justin Buzzard. This is a short book barely just over 100 pages. He also offers action steps at the end of every chapter making it very practical.
  3. This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence by John Piper. You can rarely go wrong with “the Piper” as my buddy Matt calls him. John Piper is about the most poetic pastor there currently is, and one of the deepest thinkers. His deep thinking won’t bore you, but you will benefit from  reading this book.
  4. Reforming Marriage: Gospel Living for Couples by Douglas Wilson. If you know about Doug’s theology, it is a speck different to most Christians, but he has a lot of wisdom when it comes to marriage. I think Doug does better than most thinking about wives from a caring standpoint.
  5. Intimacy Ignited: Conversations Couple to Couple Fire Up Your Sex Life with the Song of Solomon by Dr Joseph and Linda Dillow and Dr. Peter and Lorraine Pintus. A lot of my friends who are not Christians, or haven’t been exposed to much Christian teaching are shocked to find out that the Bible has a book about sex. Not just any sex is discussed, but how couples can have shockingly amazing sex within marriage. This book unpacks what the book Song of Solomon teaches about sex.

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