Creation · Genesis · Interview · Matt Wolfe · Work

Work with Matt Wolfe Part 2: Is There Satisfaction in Work?

Matt Wolfe has been my friend for about two decades. My youth pastor then my pastor, I then worked  for two years under Matt  as his  youth pastor.  He  was the best man in my wedding, and a few years  later I became his pastor. We’ve worked together on many projects, have had many late… Continue reading Work with Matt Wolfe Part 2: Is There Satisfaction in Work?

Creation · Interview · Job · Matt Wolfe · Work

Work with Matt Wolfe Part 1: God as a Worker

Matt Wolfe has been my friend for about two decades. My youth pastor then my pastor, I then worked  for two years under Matt  as his  youth pastor.  He  was the best man in my wedding, and a few years  later I became his pastor. We’ve worked together on many projects, have had many late… Continue reading Work with Matt Wolfe Part 1: God as a Worker

Creation · Evolution · Philosophy

The Miracle of Eternal Matter

For some reason many believe that the debate between the ideas of creation and secular evolution  has existed only for a couple hundred years since the “prophet” Charles Darwin was born. Is this really the case? Not really. Lucretius, a Roman poet and philosopher, contended for an anti-God existence of our planet. His secular atomic… Continue reading The Miracle of Eternal Matter