Basics · Jesus · Justice · Nap · Non-Aggression Principle · Philosophy · Social Justice · Social Justice Warrior

Jesus Discusses Justice

So many people see Jesus as some flower child walking around in the tall grass with sandals, a robe, and some stringed instrument. This emasculated version of Jesus is not only a perversion of who He is, but is often used as propaganda by many to defend their personal “beliefs.” One area often misunderstood is… Continue reading Jesus Discusses Justice

Basics · Justice · Nap · Non-Aggression Principle · Philosophy · Social Justice · Social Justice Warrior

Defending Justice from the Social Warriors

The year of 2017 in some ways could have been the year of the social justice warrior (SJW). There are many ideas as to what a SJW is, but I would simply define it as someone who believes that they see social injustices in the world and fight for justice. Often this is done on… Continue reading Defending Justice from the Social Warriors