Baby Dedication · Baptism · Church Life · Infant Baptism

Baptism and Baby Dedication

I often get the question as a pastor, “why does your church not baptize infants?” A lot of people see that we will baptize children or adults, but note that they never see us baptizing toddlers or infants. It’s a great question and can be confusing because of how different denominations handle things. Let me… Continue reading Baptism and Baby Dedication

Baptism · Faith · Identity Crisis · In Christ · Local Church

Why I Still Baptize

Some people look at me and think that because I pastor a non-denominational church  (a church that does not belong to a direct denomination), that we hold no specific ideas of  Christian practice. This is not so. In fact, one thing we do is celebrate communion every week. You can read about my beliefs about… Continue reading Why I Still Baptize