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13 Commitments for Christians Talking Politics: An Overview

I have written a four-part series on how Christians should talk about politics. This is really a list of commitments I am trying to make as a Christian during an election season, and I ask that you would make it with me. With so many things covered, I thought it would be good to synthesize the entire thing so that people could skim through them before or during a conversation that they may be having. The links are provided to provide the expanded thoughts on each subject.

BE QUICK TO HEAR: Take time to listen to others, even if you are positive you know the answer. If people don’t feel like they are heard, they are less likely to listen to you. James 1:19 says “be quick to hear.” 

SLOW TO SPEAK: If we are slow to hear, we are too often quick to speak. James 1:19 also tells us, take time to think before you speak.

SLOW TO WRATH: Politics breeds contention. When talking about them, pray that God would allow you to be slow to become angry. James 1:19

PROCLAIM KING JESUS FOREMOST: Do you talk more about your political candidate or party or King Jesus? Who is really going to change things? 

SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE: If you are speaking truth, make sure that you are saying it in a loving way. Ephesians 4:15

DON’T CORRECT EVERYONE EVERY TIME: You don’t have to answer or feel the need to correct every single person every time you hear someone speak something that is not truth. Proverbs 26:4-5

ANGER DOESN’T PRODUCE RIGHTEOUSNESS: You can’t make people do right because you are angry with them. Anger towards someone doesn’t change their heart. Ephesians 4:26, James 1:20

NO POLITICIAN IS PERFECT, ONLY KING JESUS IS: If we make our politician or party look perfect, we degrade King Jesus, the only perfect one. I Peter 2:22

REDEEM THE TIME FOR GOD’S KINGDOM: While politics can be a part of kingdom work, our main focus should be on the spiritual growth of ourselves, fellow believers, and taking people to God’s Kingdom. We shouldn’t waste our time trying to talk about every last thing in politics. Ephesians 5:16

SPEAK THE TRUTH: Make sure if we are saying things or sharing things we have done our homework to ensure those things are true. 

WE ARE HEARD BETTER THROUGH CALM TALK: If we are frustrated, and angry, and talking as such, we will not be heard as much if we take time to speak calmly. Proverbs 15:1

DON’T TAKE OFFENSE TO EVERYTHING: Many things will be said that you are not in agreement with. If we listen to them all, we will live being offended. Don’t take everything to heart. Ecclesiastes 7:21

TALK DIRECTLY TO PEOPLE: Talking with people online about things that people do not agree with is tough. If you feel the conversation is getting tense, try to speak to someone directly through messenger – or better yet, a phone call or face-to-face conversation. Matthew 18

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