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5 Ways to Handle a Crisis of Faith

Most people end up going through a crisis of faith at some point in life. A time when they are going to decide if they will stay in the faith or not? This may come through believing God is Who He says He is, or through obeying God the way He says to obey Him.

The believers at Galatia shared that struggle, as documented by the apostle Paul in Galatians 4:8-20. Their specific crisis of faith had to do with belief. Would they continue to trust Christ for salvation by grace through faith, or attempt to earn it as they did previously?

If you are having a crisis of faith, here are five recommendations to help work through that faith.

  1. Write down the ways God worked through your life in the past.

If you have been a Christian for a period of time, you have already seen God work in your life. Sometimes it is hard during a crisis to see a way out of what you are going through. A good way to stay in the faith is to be reminded of what God has already done in your life. Take time to physically write down how God has worked in your life in the past.

  1. Read some books on apologetics.

Often crises of faith arise through tough questions: spiritual, emotional, our own existence we are struggling with, or those we’re unable to answer for others. There are books addressing this, called apologetics. These books help answer hard questions and strengthen your faith. I recommend five apologetics books: 5 Books that Answer Questions about God.

  1. Pray and ask God to strengthen your faith.

Often when we are struggling we try to do it alone. If you are going through a crisis of faith, the best One to talk to about this is God. He is willing to answer, and wants to hear from you and talk to you.

  1. Ask someone of strong faith to work through your faith with you.

Ecclesiastes says “two people are better than one.” When someone falls, the other can lift him up. Find someone whose faith is strong and ask them to help you work through your faith crisis.

  1. Ask someone else how God moved in their crisis.

If you are part of a local church, as God has called you, there are others who have gone through something similar to what you are going through. The apostle Paul talks about this in the book of Galatians. 

Ask those believers how they saw God move in their crisis of faith. What did they do, avoid, not do?  What did they wish they had done differently? How did God move in their life?

There are plenty of things that we can do during a crisis of faith. But, will we do them? Are you willing to put the time and effort into working through whatever struggle you may have?

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