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Encouraging Words for Health Care Workers

April 2020 finds us in a world pandemic of the Corona Virus. If you happen to stumble onto this down the road, the truths still apply because the great thing about Scripture is it is timely and timeless. Today I want to encourage health care workers who risk their lives to care for others.

Before that is done, let’s define “health care worker,” not that we don’t know what they do, but to ensure we include all of them. Doctors and nurses would come to mind first, and rightly so. Let’s not forget those who are also in the mental health field, those who take care of elderly parents or relatives at home, or even parents who care for their own children.

First, serving others is serving God. Scripture teaches that if you are a Christian serving others, in the end you are serving God. Matthew 25 has an entire section on this. It talks about someone on earth giving kind acts to others. God says, “Remember when you were on earth and you served me?” The person replies that he never did that. Then in Matthew 25:40 it says,  “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Second, when caring for others, let God care for you and rest in Him. Of course when you are caring for others, you are often physically exhausted, maybe even emotionally and mentally fatigued as well. You need rest. I am not just talking about mental, physical, or emotional rest. I am talking about resting in God. 

Jesus Himself found this rest in God the Father. Matthew 14:23a says, “And after He had dismissed the crowds, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray.” Who did He pray with? God the Father. Who did He rest in? God the Father. Don’t just find physical, mental, and emotional rest. Find rest in God. Pray to Him; read His word; meditate on His truths to be spiritually rested. You will find the “peace that passes understanding.”

Lastly, health care works are a reflection of what Jesus did and God does. God does not heal everyone, but He heals many. In fact, many Christians refer to Him as “the Great Physician.” Jesus spent a lot of His earthly ministry healing people. To help heal people, or care for them in sickness, is a reflection of the heart of God. 

How are you getting refreshment from those you are helping? Do you see your work as God’s work if you are a health care provider? Do you see it as a reflection of the work of Jesus and the character of God the Father? Be encouraged in these things. Others are thankful for your work, but it also pleases your Heavenly Father.

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