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The Christian Heresy of Critical Theory Part II

This is a two-part series on the Christian heresy of critical theory. You can read part I here (link here). My contention is that critical theory is not just a dangerous ideology, but that it is Christian heresy. It attempts to replace God at multiple levels of Christian orthodoxy. The last post addressed the basic history of critical theory, and how it attempts to rewrite our identity in Christ, how we confess sins, and other important issues. Here are the other concerns to critical theory that we must be aware of in our society, churches, and even personal lives.


In Christianity, God called us to take dominion over the earth, starting from the Garden mandate. He has placed us in charge of things. He blesses us for obedience to this mandate.

In critical theory, much is made about power and privilege (see intersectionality). Critical theory sees power and privilege as evil and, therefore, sinful. This calls the Christian to reject special gifts given by God (James 1:17). It wants us to feel guilty for the blessing of following God in word and deed. 

The Christian should not apologize for being blessed by the Father. Instead, we should use it as an opportunity to praise God, glorify Him, and point others to Him. Also, if God has given us a position of power, we do not need to reject that position if we are holding it in concordance with His standards, will, and character.


In Scripture, our suffering comes from sin. Suffering can come from others’ sin against us, from our sin, or from living in a sin-cursed world. 

In critical theory, suffering always comes from oppressors and people in power. It does not ask the sinner to reflect inwardly to see if he causes sin and suffering. The sinner must seek to blame an oppressor, oppressive group, or system, exonerating him of his sin.


In Christianity, the only way to reach Heaven is through faith in Christ and His perfect blood spilled for our sins. This is where Jesus dwells in His fullness with unveiled face. 

Critical theory’s “utopia” comes on this earth when those who are above the line of privilege and power give up their power by handing it to those below the line. Again, this is asking Christians to reject God-given authority. It’s not just being in charge that is handed over, but the proclamation of the Gospel itself. It is saying that there can be heaven on Earth, and that can happen without Christ or His cosmic order.


In critical theory in intersectionality, there are several groups which God labels as sin and critical theory labels as oppressed. God calls them to repent and confess their sins. Critical theory says that they are not to confess or repent, but their voices must be lifted, recognized, and platformed. This would include groups that Scripture labels as “sexually immoral.”


The Gospel tells us we own ourselves and our possessions. I previously wrote on this in relation to The 10 Commandments and Justice”  how “Jesus Discusses Justice,” and gave a written definition of justice in Defending Justice from the Social Warriors.” 

While we own ourselves and our possessions, God calls us to be charitable (I Corinthians 13:13), and generous, voluntarily sharing our resources among the brothers and evil non-believers (Acts 2:44).

Critical theory and Marxist beliefs state no one owns anything, and that society has the right to take everything from others and distribute it for the societal good. This false gospel takes voluntary charitable giving and replaces it with theft (thou shalt not steal). 


Critical theory seeks to replace the Gospel every step of the way. It attempts to replace an eternal home with Jesus with a present perfect society if we will just follow “their way.” It bears false witness by naming people as oppressors, whether they are or are not. Critical theory removes personal responsibility for sin, replacing it as suffering and places the blame on those above the line of power and privilege. It calls us to nebulous confessions to society instead of personal naming of sin and confession to Christ and those we have sinned against. Critical theory wrongly divides people into groups that Christ has brought together. It replaces the Gospel because it believes the Gospel is false and evil.

Where have you already seen critical theory and social Marxism creep into our society? Where have you maybe seen it creep into the church, or even your own Christian thinking? How else do you see critical theory attempting to replace the Gospel?

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